PLEASE CONTACT ME IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR FIND ANY ERROR. Also if you are the copyright holder of any of the images and would like me to remove it, please let me know,

I WOULD ALSO LIKE TO HEAR FROM ANYBODY WHO FINDS THE NOTES USEFUL, and especially from any lecturer who's using them in a course they're teaching. If you're from outside Australia you might like to send me a postcard of the place where you live (if you still know how to work snail-mail).

Send emails to (the link is at the bottom of this page) Send postcards to Dr C.D.H. Cooper, 31 Epping Ave EASTWOOD, NSW 2122, AUSTRALIA

WHAT'S NEW? Here I announce when certain sets of notes have been updated. The process of improving and extending the notes is ongoing and some sets have reached their 13th edition.

MATHS NOTES The main content on this website consists of about 20 sets of notes that cover many areas of university mathematics. They range from elementary courses in algebra and calculus that are designed for students whose school mathematics is insufficient for university, to postgraduate level. Most of these have been used in courses that I've taught at Maqcquarie University, in Sydney. Hence, at the higher levels, they represent my personal areas of interest which is down towards the algebra, topology and discrete end of the spectrum. Although I retired many years ago, three sets of notes are still used at Macquarie as the main text, although I understand there is a syllabus review taking place and this may change.

I started at Macquarie in 1969, not long after it opened its doors. As a result I had the luxury of being able to design some of the third year courses. I've always been interested in the question of what should be taught. At the lower levels this is dictated largely by what students need for more advanced courses, as well as what they need for other areas such as physics. But at higher levels I have focussed on giving students a wide variety of mathematical experiences.

PAMPHLETS These are shorter documents.

There's one called WHY MATHEMATICS? that is aimed at year 10 students who are wondering what level of mathematics to do in the last couple of years of school. Also I've tried to show what mathematics is really like. School mathematics on the whole is not very exciting. I try to present a glimpse of what lies out there in the upper reaches of the subject. I also discuss how much mathematics is required for certain careers.

MATHS ANXIETY tries to help students who feel they are hopeless at maths, but who discover that they need to do some.

COOPERS THEOREMS lists a number of theorems included in the notes that are my own. Many years ago I stopped writing research papers, that very few people read, and focussed on the content side of teaching. I found that there were some gaps in the traditional syllabuses that I felt should be followed up. As a result, about 5% of the material cannot be found elsewhere because it is my own. This is not intended as an opportunity to show off, but rather to draw attention to lecturers some interesting things that they might like to include in their own courses, even if they don't use my notes.

GROUP TABLES These are tables of finite groups (up to order 100, but excluding orders 64 and 96. They include character tables, as well as conjugacy classes, normal subgroups, quotient groups etc.


BOOKS These are my non-mathematical books though some are related to mathematics.

These can be found at